Victor Kipiani, Chairman of Geocase, Speaks at International Conference on "Strategic Confusion on the Great Power Chessboard"

Victor Kipiani, Chairman of Geocase, delivered a keynote speech at the International Conference "Strategic Confusion on the Great Power Chessboard." 

The conference discussed Georgia’s strategic partnership with the People’s Republic of China and featured several panel discussions assessing the outcomes and broader implications of this strategic partnership.

In his speech, Mr. Kipiani addressed Georgian economic security and the implications of the Georgia-China partnership. He shared several practical thoughts on enhancing this security, emphasizing the importance of integrating the Georgian economy into developed markets rather than relying on a single market. "We are in the era of economic nationalism, where quality, not quantity, matters" he stated.

Mr. Kipiani highlighted the need to institutionalize economic security policies, either by establishing an Economic Security Council as a standalone institution or integrating it into the Georgian Security Council system. He also suggested designating a special government position, such as a minister or state secretary, responsible for overseeing economic risks and providing regular economic security assessments. Additionally, he proposed the creation of a separate economic security law to improve coordination between different agencies during crises. He stressed the importance of redesigning supply channels in response to risks and reinforcing intellectual capacity.

Furthermore, Mr. Kipiani discussed the significance of the Middle Corridor and called for greater Western proactivity in the region. "The Middle Corridor is not only about trade; it is also about potentially forming unities where various states realign in terms of economic security and intelligence services. Therefore, it will be critical for the West to engage with it from the very beginning, as we are witnessing a reshaping of the geopolitical and geoeconomic landscape in many respects," he noted.

The conference was organized by Civic IDEA in collaboration with the National Endowment for Democracy for Freedom, CAPS Unlock, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, NATO Contact Point Embassies (The UK & Romania), and the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy.



Watch the panel discussion from the conference.
