International Relations

Geocase online discussion series: “Japan’s foreign policy”
31 May 2021
The online event “Japan’s foreign policy” was organized by the think-tank Geocase. The discussion was moderated by Mr. Victor Kipiani, Chairman of the Geocase. In the framework of the Geocase webinar series, H.E. Imamura Akira, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentia...
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Silk, Spices and Oil - ‘Transcaucasian’ Trade Route and Georgia
Author: 31 May 2021
Authors:  Emil Avdaliani, Director of Middle East Studies, Geocase Tedo Dundua, Professor of History, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University   Read the full version of the publication
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Victor Kipiani spoke at the online discussion entitled 'Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic path – 30 years since restoration of independence'
31 May 2021
The Geocase chairman Victor Kipiani was invited to speak at the online discussion entitled ‘Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic path – 30 years since restoration of independence’ organized by the Mission of Georgia to NATO. The Head of the Mission Ambassador Victor Dolidze ope...
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Georgia’s Defense Investments Can Send Message to NATO
Author: 28 May 2021
Georgia could start its own production of drones, which would strengthen its bid to join the NATO alliance. NATO aspirations require military efficiency. This includes having a proper air defense system and an effective army to withstand foreign aggression (at leas...
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China Seeks to Boost its Role in the Arctic
Author: 25 May 2021
As of late, China has increased its engagement within the Arctic region. Natural resources, as well as new, trans-oceanic trade routes, motivate Beijing to seek larger space for itself. As the region is effectively a closed one, China has to partner with regional states...
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A Counter-Enlightenment Creeps Through Eurasia
Author: 13 May 2021
Eurasia’s illiberal states are withstanding the liberal democratic project and ultimately popularizing authoritarian methods of governance We live in the age of counter-Enlightenment. What seemed like a collection of dispersed autocratic and simply illiberal states...
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The US, China, and the Race for 5G in the South Caucasus
Author: 12 May 2021
As the US-China geopolitical divide looms ever larger and competing visions for global order are yet to crystallize, the technological realm and the spread of 5G is one area where both Beijing and Washington are pursuing different scenarios.  As the signaling for potent...
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Georgia as a Part of Integrated Europe
Author: 7 May 2021
Read the full publication    Authors of the publication: Emil Avdaliani, Director of Middle East Studies, Geocase Tedo Dundua, Professor (Full), Institute of Georgian History, Faculty of Humanities, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
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Georgia and Its Main Strategic Partner: Marking New Principles in Relations?
Author: 7 May 2021
Enough time has elapsed since the inauguration of President Joe Biden in the United States to express certain opinions. Clearly, these views cannot be categorical. The reasons for such caution in assessments can be split into two: first, a period of several months is no...
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