
Dr. Khatuna Burkadze – The implementation of the April 19th Agreement will assist Georgia to achieve its European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations
16 July 2021
Interpressnews discussed the results of NATO Brussels Summit Communiqué with Prof. Dr. Khatuna Burkadze, Director of American and Euro-Atlantic Studies at Geocase, an alumna of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and the Harvard Program on Negot...
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Geocase co-organized the webinar on Hybrid Warfare on the Borders of Eastern Europe
1 July 2021
Geocase, in cooperation with the Swiss Think Tank foraus and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, organized the webinar entitled 'Hybrid Warfare on the Borders of Eastern Europe'.   The aim of the online event was to understand hybrid warfare, its sha...
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In the frames of the Geocase online discussion series “Israel in the aftermath of the recent Gaza conflict” discussion was held
21 June 2021
The online event “Israel in the aftermath of the recent Gaza conflict” was organized by the think-tank Geocase. The discussion was moderated by Mr. Victor Kipiani, Chairman of Geocase. In the framework of the Geocase webinar series, H.E. Ran Gidor, Ambassador Extraordin...
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Geocase and Diplomatic Institute held a joint training event
16 June 2021
Geocase and the Diplomatic Institute held yet another joint training within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the organizations. The Geocase training course students visited the Levan Mikeladze Diplomatic Training and Research Institute of...
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Geocase hosted H.E. Ran Gidor, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Israel to Georgia 
15 June 2021
Victor Kipiani, Chairman of Geocase, has invited H.E. Mr Ran Gidor, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Israel to Georgia, to meet and deliver a lecture for the Geocase training course students. Victor Kipiani opened the event, thanked the special guest...
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Victor Kipiani spoke at the 5th Annual Trans-Caspian Forum 2021
11 June 2021
Victor Kipiani, Chairman of Geocase was invited to speak at the panel discussion - 'Trans-Caspian Connectivity and Infrastructure Development' - held on June 9, 2021, in the framework of the 5th Annual Trans-Caspian Forum 2021 which was co-organized by the Embas...
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Dr. Khatuna Burkadze – The Visit of U.S. Senators once again reaffirmed that the U.S. firmly supports Georgia’s territorial integrity in the face of Russian aggression
7 June 2021
“The U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Rob Portman visited the occupation line near the village of Zemo Nikozi with the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM). This is a clear message that the U.S., EU and the whole West stand behind the sovereignty and the territoria...
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Geocase signed the Memorandum of Understanding with Sokhumi State University
3 June 2021
On June 3, 2021, the Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Rector of Sokhumi State University, Zurab Khonelidze and Victor Kipiani, the Chair of Geocase. "By signing this memorandum, we pledge to stand beside you in doing such extremely important, national...
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Geocase and the Defence Institution Building School (DIBS) Held the First Joint Training for Students
2 June 2021
Within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed earlier this year between Geocase and the Defence Institution Building School (DIBS), the first joint training was held. The students of the Geocase training course visited DIBS to attend a lecture on the im...
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