GC Analysis

Taking Stock of Recent Developments in the South Caucasus. Part 2
Author: 6 Apr 2021
Following the Second Karabakh War, there are ongoing talks about restoring the Soviet-era railways from Azerbaijan to Armenia, from Armenia to Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan. Those links will allow Russia and Iran to have a direct link to each other. Turkey pursues its own rai...
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The Tragedy of the Black Sea
Author: 5 Apr 2021
  ''There are plenty of fish in the sea!''- a statement we wouldn't expect to ever lose its meaning. Yet, as the global demand for seafood grows rapidly with an increasing population, many commercial fish stocks are already in serious decline, thr...
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Taking Stock of Recent Developments in the South Caucasus. Part I
Author: 25 Mar 2021
Georgia’s regional position is quickly changing. External powers are increasing their influence in the South Caucasus, causing revverbations across the very fabric of the geopolitical balance of power which had prevailed for years, if not decades. Take Russia, which, it...
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Georgia and Its Main Strategic Partner: Marking New Principles in Relations?
Author: 20 Mar 2021
Enough time has elapsed since the inauguration of President Joe Biden in the United States to express certain opinions. Clearly, these views cannot be categorical. The reasons for such caution in assessments can be split into two: first, a period of several months is no...
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Changing Connectivity Patterns in the South Caucasus
Author: 19 Mar 2021
Connectivity patterns in the South Caucasus are changing. What used to be a relatively landlocked region, despite its access to the Black Sea, is now opening up, with Turkey and Iran likely to have new railway connections to Russia.   A cornerstone of this change is...
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On Specific Issues – So Simple, Yet So Complex
Author: 18 Feb 2021
Today’s system of interstate relations, namely the aspiration of a state to influence and spread its interests over others, has been based on an elemental “instinct” for several centuries now. Judging by the reality in the world today, this cause of global order (or dis...
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Past the Point of No Return?
Author: 5 Feb 2021
Global Climate change is one of the most acute problems in the world today. Industrial activities in developed countries have contributed significantly to climate change, yet low-income countries are often the first ones to pay the price. Due to scarce relevant reco...
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Foreign Policy during the Biden Presidency: Probabilities and Realistic Expectations
Author: 28 Jan 2021
Predictably, there has been much recent discussion in Georgian media over the political line of the Biden administration as well as over the possible developments of U.S. policy, and several potential scenarios have frequently been forecast. These discussions are of cou...
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About Tomorrow – Remembering Yesterday While Bearing in Mind the Present Day
Author: 7 Jan 2021
The past year of 2020 was not just another year. Its dramatic nature showed us once again – and quite severely – the full intensity of the challenges that could arise when several large-scale crises occur at once. In fact, in parallel with the distortion of the internat...
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