
Nikoloz Khatiashvili

Research Fellow on Foreign Policy, International Secretary

twitter: @NikolozKhatiash

Nikoloz Khatiashvili is a Foreign Policy Research Fellow and International Secretary at Geocase. His interests include international security, democracy, international relations and diplomacy, intelligence and counterintelligence, national security, and terrorism. 

For more than 17 years, he has been working in public, as well as in private sectors, including 6 years in diplomatic service. Since 2017, he has been chief of staff of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Parliament of Georgia. Before that, he worked in the political department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, in the Office of the State Minister for Reconciliation and Equity, and in other organizations. Currently, he is a lecturer at Tbilisi State University and Business and Technology University BTU. He is also the author of 12 articles and research papers and has participated in various international conferences and forums as a speaker. 

For years, Nikoloz Khatiashvili has been involved in several international projects supported by the International Republican Institute (IRI), the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the German Marshall Fund (GMF), the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the US State Department, aimed at advancing democracy, combatting disinformation, strengthening transatlantic ties, enhancing the security of the Black Sea Region, and advocating for Georgia's integration into the European Union and NATO.

He holds a bachelor's degree in International Economic Relations from Georgian Technical University, a Master's Degree in International Relations from the University of Georgia, and currently is a PhD candidate in International Security at Tbilisi State University. His area of research is Russian Nuclear Policy as a Foreign Policy Tool. 

Nikoloz Khatiashvili has completed various training and study programs including the George Marshall European Center for Security Studies, the US National Defense University, the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, LUISS University, the Geneva Center for Security Policy GCSP, the Vienna Diplomatic Academy, OSCE / ODIHR Political School, the College of Europe, Hertie School of Governance, Estonian School of Diplomacy, Royal College of Britain, European Security and Defense College, NATO Oberammergau School, NATO College, Tbilisi School of Political Studies, Open Society Foundation, Georgian Policy Institute, IDFI, Rondeli Foundation and other organizations.

Nikoloz Khatiashvili is McCain Institute's Global Leadership Fellow, a member of Generation Democracy (GenDem) of the International Republican Institute, a member of the Warsaw Security Forum Democratic Network, and a Board member of the US Government Exchange Program Alumni Association of Georgia (EPAG).

War in Ukraine and new geopolitical reality: View from Tbilisi

1 June 2023
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has turned the global security environment upside down and made all countries think about the effectiveness of the existing security architecture. It is clear, that the process of revising the international order has already begun, and it is...
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Nikoloz Khatiashvili contributed an analysis to the Foreign Policy Report published by the Casimir Pulaski Foundation

11 Jan 2025
Nikoloz Khatiashvili, a Geocase Foreign Policy Research Fellow, contributed an analysis to the Foreign Policy Report published by the Polish think tank, the Casimir Pulaski Foundation.   The report identifies key trends, analyzes challenges, and presents actionable...
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