Statement by Geocase

The adopted law "On the Transparency of Foreign Influence" has led to justified civil and public protests within the country. The critical assessment from Georgia's international partners is also comprehensible. The already voiced initiative to file a constitutional lawsuit against this law is logical, which we fully share and are ready to contribute. Additionally, according to official statements from the European Union and the United States, the implementation of retaliatory measures is being considered. Among these possible measures is the suspension of the important instrument allowing Georgian citizens to enter Schengen zone countries without a visa.

We realize the inevitability of certain steps that eventually might be taken by our country's partners in response to the adopted law. However, on behalf of Geocase, we would like to state that maintaining the current regime of visa-free travel with the European Union is crucially important and essential for strengthening ties with Europe and for maintaining and developing the human, business, cultural, and emotional bonds between Georgian society and the European Union. Moreover, the suspension of visa-free travel will primarily affect the pro-European segment of society, inadvertently encouraging anti-European propaganda within the country. Such step will damage the geopolitical positioning of the European Union, lead to the isolation of Georgian society from Europe, and hinder the deepening of relations between Georgia and EU member states, which is vital for achieving our historical and civilizational choice.

Therefore, we call on all partners and friends of Georgia in the European Union, regardless of the current situation, not to suspend the visa-free travel regime for Georgian citizens to member states of the Schengen zone. Otherwise, the damage will be more than expected, and its repairs will require considerable time, resources, and effort from Georgia and the EU.
