The Geocase Alumni Network held an annual meeting. During the online meeting, the alumni shared their views on the current and completed projects as well as on the future plans with Mr. Victor Kipiani, the Chairman, and the other team members of Geocase.
Upon successful completion of the Geocase training program, young researchers were given an opportunity to work under the supervision of the Geocase analysts and fellows on a variety of important and significant issues during the year. They also had a chance to publish articles with trending and engaging research topics on the official website of the organization:
The objective of the Geocase Alumni Network is to support students and to ensure their involvement in ongoing and future analytical projects of Geocase. Additionally, Geocase Alumni Network aims to facilitate the exchange of experience, knowledge, and the formation of long-term professional connections among the members of the network.
A sum up meeting of the Geocase alumni meeting was held at the end of the year