
Imagining the Future World Order
Author: 29 Dec 2021
A world without American primacy could prove a dangerous place. In comparison with the powers of the past, American dominance in world affairs overall has been more benevolent. Yet, during its worst stage, especially the early 2000s, the US policies have stoked resis...
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Women in Georgia: Living in Accordance with an Honor Code
Author: 28 Dec 2021
Women continuously experience injustices solely because of their gender in Georgia. Gender stereotypes are still deeply rooted. Across Georgia, honor-based violence remains an acute problem and the work to prevent and combat it is the responsibility of many actors in Ge...
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Growing Role of South Caucasus For Iran
Author: 25 Dec 2021
Under the Raisi government Iran seems to pursue an increasingly diversified foreign policy. China and Russia play a critical role in this thinking. Changes also involve Iran’s vision of the South Caucasus which has lately been of bigger importance to the Islamic Republi...
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Dr. Khatuna Burkadze – Amidst Russia’s military buildup along Ukraine’s border, the U.S.-Georgia Charter on Strategic Partnership has to be amended to counter Russian aggression
Author: 22 Dec 2021
Interpressnews discussed the results of the meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Riga, Biden-Putin online meeting and Russia’s dangerous actions with Prof. Dr. Khatuna Burkadze, Director of American and Euro-Atlantic Studies at Geocase, an alumna of the Fletc...
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For Discussion Purposes Only
Author: 14 Dec 2021
The field of international relations of late has been marked with a lack of civilized approach. The global order has seen a notable decline in the influence of moral authority which has been replaced by the factor of power in an uncompromised and open manner. What was a...
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Much More Than Just Ukraine
Author: 8 Dec 2021
A failure to prevent further Russian advances into Ukraine will have ramifications across the South Caucasus and Central Asia. A war scare in Ukraine is a pivotal moment for the West. It tests transatlantic resolve, unity, and the very foundations of NATO. Failure...
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