
From Balancing to Extraction
Author: 25 Nov 2022
To divide Russia and China, the West first needs to push Moscow toward Beijing. The West needs to think long-term when it comes to the China-Russia partnership. The methods used thus far to divide their growing cooperation have failed. Instead, what the West first needs...
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Russia’s Dying Eurasian Dream
Author: 22 Nov 2022
Russian multilateralism is unraveling. Cracks that were always visible within the Kremlin-dominated Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) groupings are now becoming ever more explicit.     The immediate cause is Russia’s ag...
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Robbed Childhood: The Practice of Child Labour
Author: 19 Nov 2022
As reported by UNICEF, approximately 160 million children worldwide were subject to the child labour in year 2020, 79 million of them are performing hazardous work and 9 million additional children at risk due to the impact of COVID-19. By definition, child labour is vi...
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As Russian Influence Plummets, China Capitalizes in Central Asia
Author: 18 Nov 2022
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has finally initiated its highly anticipated railway project to Uzbekistan. On the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit held in September 2022, the official decision was made to begin actively working on th...
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Few-Friends Russia Embraces Iran
Author: 16 Nov 2022
Russia once viewed the G-20 group of leading economies as the world’s key cooperative forum. No longer. The November 15-16 meeting in Bali will not be attended by Vladimir Putin and there is therefore little chance that his isolation will be illustrated through face-to-...
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Robbed Childhood: The Practice of Child Marriage
Author: 31 Oct 2022
Every child deserves an opportunity to fully develop their potential, to enjoy their childhood and to grow up in a healthy environment. Unfortunately, the well-known phenomenon of child marriage stands in the way. Child marriage often compromises a girl’s development, p...
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